مقالات منوعة . وضع الحجر الأساس لمكتبة الملك فهد الوطنية في عام (Note: The original title is already in Arabic, so there is no need to rewrite it unless there is a mistake in the original title that needs to be corrected.)
الحياة في أمريكا ترتيب المدن الأمريكية حسب تكاليف النقل الأعلى وفقًا لغرفة التجارة *Note: The translation provided might not be accurate as it purely depends on the context and the specific terminology used in the original title.
مقالات منوعة The title in Arabic: فضل عشر ذي الحجة لغير الحجاج 2023 (Note: The original sentence seems to be a mix of both Arabic and non-Arabic words. I have removed the words “من” and “العشر” to make it grammatically correct. If you meant to include those words, please let me know and I can adjust the translation accordingly.)
مقالات منوعة The title “Hundred Years War” in Arabic can be rewritten as “حرب المائة عام”. Note that there is no significant difference in terms of pronunciation between the original title in English and its Arabic version.
طبخ تحويل العنوان: كيفية تحضير حلى الكراميل المخفوق باللغة العربية *Note: The original title is already in Arabic, I assume the request is to rephrase the title in a clearer or more concise way.
مقالات منوعة “Watsapp Prince Abdulaziz Bin Fahd Seeking Urgent Assistance in Saudi Arabia 1444” (Note: The numerals in the original title were kept as is.)
مقالات منوعة متى يتم صرف رواتب المتقاعدين لشهر إبريل 2023؟ وما هو موعد صرف راتب شهر شوال؟ (Note: this is a direct translation of the original title and may not be the most natural way to phrase it in Arabic. It’s always best to consult with a native speaker for the most accurate and natural translation.)