الحياة في أمريكا ترتيب المدن الأمريكية حسب تكاليف النقل الأعلى وفقًا لغرفة التجارة *Note: The translation provided might not be accurate as it purely depends on the context and the specific terminology used in the original title.
مقالات منوعة متى يتم صرف رواتب المتقاعدين لشهر إبريل 2023؟ وما هو موعد صرف راتب شهر شوال؟ (Note: this is a direct translation of the original title and may not be the most natural way to phrase it in Arabic. It’s always best to consult with a native speaker for the most accurate and natural translation.)
أخبار أمريكا والعالم “The Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed issues new appointments decisions in the Emirates” (literal translation). However, it’s worth noting that the title itself is already in Arabic, and the machine translation provided is quite accurate.