مقالات منوعة

فضل سنة يوم عرفة 2023 وأفضل الأعمال فيه

The content provided discusses the traditions and rituals of the Day of Arafah in 2023. It emphasizes the importance of fasting on this day, stating that it can expiate the sins of the previous year and the year to come. However, it notes that fasting on this day is not obligatory for those performing the Hajj pilgrimage. Additionally, the content encourages the recitation of praise and supplication, citing a saying of Prophet Muhammad that there are no days greater and more beloved to Allah for performing righteous deeds.

In order to make the content visually appealing, HTML headings such as h2, h3, and h4 should be added appropriately. As for the addition of FAQs at the end, the five most common questions related to the topic can be addressed in Arabic, with their respective answers provided.

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