الحياة في أمريكا

المتسوقون يكشفون عن ٥ منتجات ذات أسعار باهظة في سامز كلوب

It seems that the content provided is cut off and incomplete. However, based on the available information, the content discusses the benefits and drawbacks of subscribing to a Sam’s Club membership in the United States. It mentions that Sam’s Club offers deals throughout the year and shoppers know secret ways to save money at the store. On the other hand, it highlights that some products at Sam’s Club are sold at higher prices, which may affect one’s budget. The specific example given is the price difference of sunscreens between Sam’s Club and Costco. Additionally, the content mentions a particular brand of cream cheese being sold at Sam’s Club, but provides no further details.

Unfortunately, without the full content, it is not possible to summarize it accurately to 1000 words in Arabic.

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